The trials and tribulation of a student trying to become a fully fledged games designer, expressing views, news and any progress on his path to his dream career
Published on August 31, 2010 By DRaXoV In WOM Mods

I thought you'd all be interested to know that I'm trying to bring some more explosion related weaponry into Elemental possibly for an more industrial revolution focused mod. But here is my first development. Not Programmed it all yet, but I should be testing it soon

I do however have a nice 3d model I made myself, just need to work out how to fit everything together.

anyway heres the model so far, it's a kind of hand cannon, and it's not meant to be realistic, just basically my first test:

So there ya go, any suggestions or ideas or even offers for help would be great



on Aug 31, 2010

Nice design !

on Sep 01, 2010

Nice gun... err, cannon, lol.

Anyways, I'd LOVE to see Elemental turned into a modern combat simulator or something like Civilization (which I believe would be possible). This is the foot in the door, so to speak. Can't wait to see it in action, BOOM!

on Sep 01, 2010

That is pretty cool.  Dang, I'd hate to be staring down the barrel of one of those things on the battlefield.       It looks completely brutal, and probably leathal to the user as well as the intended target.  Good job!