The trials and tribulation of a student trying to become a fully fledged games designer, expressing views, news and any progress on his path to his dream career

I set windowed mode using the option in the games video options. I like to play TBS games in windowed mode, means I can multitask. I run dual screens as well if thats any help. I also run Windows 7 Buisness 64bit, and there were quite a few applications running in the background but nothing intensive. I have a quad core and 4GB of memory, and most games like Civ 4 (with rise of manind mod) will work fine in windowed mode all the time. So I don't think that it's because of the background apps.

Basically I just done a cave exploration mission that is automatically given to you at your home town. Just finished the cave, tried to end turn, and got the out of memory message. The game had been going on for a while, for about half an hour. It has also happened more than once, but this time I prepared for it with all the logs and memory dumps.

Heres the Memory Dump:

Heres my DxDiag file:


on Jun 15, 2010

Same thing happened to me.  I was up to around turn 230-ish and a small window appeared with a message saying  Out-of-Memory.




Windows 7-Pro 64bit

ATI 5770



DxDiag 32-bit

DxDiag 64-bit


I'll see if I can find the Mem Dump