The trials and tribulation of a student trying to become a fully fledged games designer, expressing views, news and any progress on his path to his dream career
Published on September 3, 2010 By DRaXoV In WOM Mods

Warhammer Mod


A recreation of the warhammer world inside the game Elemental: War Of Magic



  • Spell Books become Lores
  • A lot more races and factions to choose from
  • Incorporate gunpowder units
  • Restrict Lores to different races and factions
  • Try and remove the Kingdom vs. Empire, it is total war mostly in warhammer.
  • Add grudges, i.e. Dwarves hate Chaos Dwarves and Elves
  • Whole new visual theme
  • Many new weapons, quests and goodie huts, all warhammer themed
  • Maybe a Campaign to go with it
  • The World Map of Warhammer
  • New Resource System
  • Shards can become high concentrations of the Winds Of Magic (Temples to amplify it for the empire)
  • A whole plethora of new heroes, like Archaon and Gotrek and Felix
  • All spells (maybe almost) have a chance of damaging the caster
  • Spells become more powerful
  • Only Elves and Slaan can learn more than one Lore
  • Individual Lores for each character (i.e. one Fire Mage, one Ice Mage)



  • Empire
  • Orcs & Goblins
  • Skaven
  • Vampire Counts
  • Warriors Of Chaos
    • Nurgle
    • Khorne
    • Tzeentch
    • Slaanesh
    • Unaligned
  • High Elves
  • Dark Evles
  • Wood Elves
  • Vampire Counts
  • Tomb Kings
  • Dwarfs
  • Daemons Of Chaos
  • Brettonians
  • Beastmen
  • Kislev
  • Chaos Dwarfs
  • Lizardmen
  • Ogre Kingdoms



  • Humans (Empire, Bretonnian, Kislevite)
  • Orcs
  • Goblins
  • Skaven
  • Vampires
  • Beastmen
  • Elves (High, Dark, Wood)
  • Tomb Kings
  • Dwarves
  • Lizardmen(Slaan, Skinks)
  • Ogre
  • Daemons (Greater, Lesser, Prince)



  • Winds Of Magic Lores:
    • Each of these has a shard related to it:
      • Fire
      • Metal
      • Shadow
      • Beasts
      • Heavens
      • Light
      • Life
      • Death
    • High Magic (All of the winds together)
    • Dark Magic (The Winds before they are split, in its pure chaos form)
  • Divine Magic
  • Waaagh! Magic
    • Lores Of Chaos
      • Lore Of Tzeentch
      • Lore Of Slaanesh
      • Lore Of Nurgle
  • Ice Magic (Used by Kislev)
  • Skaven Magic (Uses Warpstone resource)
  • Runelore
  • Gut Magic
  • Lore of Athel Loren (Wood Elves)
  • Lore of the Truthsayers
  • Lore of the Dark Emissaries
  • Lore of the Vampires

This will be a big projects, so anyone interested in helping, or forming a team with me, please do. I have basic scripting experience, can do modelling but not characters and texture them and all. I can also use photoshop to some degree. So I hope I can do quite a bit of the work myself. But any help definetly would be appreciated in any of the following forms:

  • Texturing
  • 3D Modelling
  • Scripting
  • Writing
  • Research
  • Art
  • Design

Thank you for reading

on Sep 03, 2010

AWESOME I'm a huge Warhammer nerd! You should troll the Warhammer forums for people who are interested and can help, I'm good at writing unless I get writers block. I could help come up with faction plots, characters with backstories, that sort of thing. I have to say up front that I mostly know 40K stuff though. Gah this is just such an awesome idea that I really want to contribute, I'm just not sure how much good I'd be.

on Sep 03, 2010

this would be pretty awesome :3

on Sep 03, 2010

I foresee a Cease & Desist letter from Games Workshop in your future.

Games Workshop Cease-and-Desist | Gamers Rights Law

Games Workshop Cease and Desist | BoardGameGeek


on Sep 03, 2010

what the police does not see, has not happened. there are also warhammer mods for civ 4 and there were no issues.

on Sep 03, 2010

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of both Warhammer Fantasy & 40K and would enjoy seeing a mod for Elemental.  I'm just making sure you're aware of the potential issues.

What you can and can't do with Games Workshop's intellectual property

Modifications, Total Conversions, and Games
Please bear in mind that we may require you to remove the game or mod from any public forum at any time so that we can comply with any licenses that we may have with computer game publishers/developers. Be aware that we may even have to insist that the mod be destroyed. Please take very careful note of this statement, as we would not want you to feel unfairly treated at a later date.

on Sep 03, 2010


Orcs & Goblins
Vampire Counts
Warriors Of Chaos


High Elves
Dark Evles
Wood Elves
Vampire Counts
Tomb Kings
Daemons Of Chaos
Chaos Dwarfs
Ogre Kingdoms

Vampire Counts are listed twice (yes I like nitpicking  )

The mod looks interesting btw, should add some depth and diversity to the game.

on Sep 03, 2010

He can do a HammerCraft mod. If you get what I mean...

on Sep 03, 2010

Well if Games Workshop decided to be total jackasses and issue a Cease and Desist he could just change a few names and release it as a Hammercraft mod as Wintersong said. There have been Warhammer mods for several other games, so it's well worth going ahead with.

on Sep 04, 2010

I was aware of the possibility of evil GW intervention when I started, so I'm still going ahead with it. If it comes to that, as said, I will just change a few names around Valentine82, it would be a monumental help simply scouring the many wiki's and getting all the necessary descriptions and such from them, as well as any important info I've missed out. 

ATM, I'm working out what to do first. Probably going to be the Human Factions, and working out what I can keep the same in the game and what I have to change. Might be able to get a few races done by the end of the week hopefully

on Sep 04, 2010

Just point me in the right direction and tell me what you need, I'm always up for a Quest hehe.

on Sep 05, 2010

Sounds good...however, looks like this is mostly the 'big idea' stage right now. We can't really do many of the things you want at the moment...probably going to be awhile before we have the mod tools needed to really go wild.


How do you plan to handle the gameworld? The Warhammer fluff doesn't really go well with the standard 4X setup where each faction is building up from nothing. For example, if you started in 'Ancient Times' the Slann, then the Elves and Dwarves, would be around making big empires...the Human factions would be primitive barbarians for thousands of years. I imagine that you will throw out the idea of timelines and whatnot for the sandbox. Do you plan on doing a map of the Old World or Warhammer World?


What about units? Warhammer has pre-designed units, so do you plan to limit the design ability of players so that you can have people stick with fluff units like Greatswords, Corsairs, Ironbreakers, etc.? How do you plan to deal with research?  


I can see a  scripted campaign working out well.


Not trying to be overly negative, I hope you are really successful and I might even contribute to something like this...but right now this sounds like the typical mod idea with very little chance of becoming anything more than a list of ideas and features. You are currently proposing something really, really ambitious...I recommend scaling back your ideas to focus on a few core concepts before trying to take on the entire Warhammer concept. Decide what the most important thing is and focus on that to start with. I personally think the factions are the heart of Warhammer, so that would be a good place to start.


I would say if you can create something iconic such as a new Orc Faction with unit models, buildings, etc. then you will have a great start. Once you have something like that you can keep expanding. It might be easier to start with something like the Empire since Elemental already has lots of Human-based content.


Good luck!

on Sep 05, 2010

Seems Goontrooper and I had the approximately the same idea. I prepared this response earlier and decided to think it over before posting.


I'm tempted to offer my XML and Python scripting abilities as I'd like very much to be involved with a mod, but I'm concerned about the scale of this mod. It will take a large team to make enough models and textures for 12 distinct races plus 11 sub-races. I don't think I've ever heard of a video game with so many races and factions. Furthermore, balancing will be a nightmare. If you cut the scope by 25% - 50% I would be much more interested.

on Sep 06, 2010

Oh!!!!  SOLD!  I wish I could help, but I am not a programmer or an artist.  I can playtest, and...  what else would you need help with?

on Sep 06, 2010

This is the initial idea, I'm probably going to implement them in stages. I know it will be a long mod to make, but you got to be ambitious to stand out I'm currently doing a Games Design course at uni, so this should fit in quite nicely with it (mostly scripting and designing).

I think a good target at first would be to get the similar races into the game, Empire: Humans, Chaos: Krax, Elves: Wraiths. A lot of them are re-skinning jobs.

Just made a stage one plan, I want to get a few races down first, re-skinning will be needed, but nothing too hard

Next will probably be getting the equipment done.

I'm thinking the best way to go about this is in batches of races. Do a few races at a time, do there equipment, then the magic. I think I'll leave magic until last, but that may change, as magic is quite core to the warhammer universe

As for the game world, I'm going to sacrifice story for playability. It will probably something along the lines of extending the warhammer story so that it is after some kind of cataclysm, where the races are starting out again.

As for the units I will try and make the set units, but still give the player the option of creating new ones, as that was one of the things warhammer was about, customizing your units with different weapons, armour and items.

For research, thats going to have to be a whole new tech tree I think, and for now I'll try and incorporate it into the current one, with a few modifications.

So here's my reduced version proposal:

Only do 4 races, using current races, re-skinned:


High Elves(Wraiths)


Orcs(Troggs or Urxen)


Once the races are done, I can work on expanding them with there own equipment.

Oh and, I'm going to try my absolute hardest to keep this project running


EDIT: Just had a go at making elves from Wraiths - 


Now to mess with the settings