Warhammer Mod
A recreation of the warhammer world inside the game Elemental: War Of Magic
- Spell Books become Lores
- A lot more races and factions to choose from
- Incorporate gunpowder units
- Restrict Lores to different races and factions
- Try and remove the Kingdom vs. Empire, it is total war mostly in warhammer.
- Add grudges, i.e. Dwarves hate Chaos Dwarves and Elves
- Whole new visual theme
- Many new weapons, quests and goodie huts, all warhammer themed
- Maybe a Campaign to go with it
- The World Map of Warhammer
- New Resource System
- Shards can become high concentrations of the Winds Of Magic (Temples to amplify it for the empire)
- A whole plethora of new heroes, like Archaon and Gotrek and Felix
- All spells (maybe almost) have a chance of damaging the caster
- Spells become more powerful
- Only Elves and Slaan can learn more than one Lore
- Individual Lores for each character (i.e. one Fire Mage, one Ice Mage)
- Empire
- Orcs & Goblins
- Skaven
- Vampire Counts
- Warriors Of Chaos
- Nurgle
- Khorne
- Tzeentch
- Slaanesh
- Unaligned
- High Elves
- Dark Evles
- Wood Elves
- Vampire Counts
- Tomb Kings
- Dwarfs
- Daemons Of Chaos
- Brettonians
- Beastmen
- Kislev
- Chaos Dwarfs
- Lizardmen
- Ogre Kingdoms
- Humans (Empire, Bretonnian, Kislevite)
- Orcs
- Goblins
- Skaven
- Vampires
- Beastmen
- Elves (High, Dark, Wood)
- Tomb Kings
- Dwarves
- Lizardmen(Slaan, Skinks)
- Ogre
- Daemons (Greater, Lesser, Prince)
- Winds Of Magic Lores:
- Each of these has a shard related to it:
- Fire
- Metal
- Shadow
- Beasts
- Heavens
- Light
- Life
- Death
- High Magic (All of the winds together)
- Dark Magic (The Winds before they are split, in its pure chaos form)
- Divine Magic
- Waaagh! Magic
- Lores Of Chaos
- Lore Of Tzeentch
- Lore Of Slaanesh
- Lore Of Nurgle
- Ice Magic (Used by Kislev)
- Skaven Magic (Uses Warpstone resource)
- Runelore
- Gut Magic
- Lore of Athel Loren (Wood Elves)
- Lore of the Truthsayers
- Lore of the Dark Emissaries
- Lore of the Vampires
This will be a big projects, so anyone interested in helping, or forming a team with me, please do. I have basic scripting experience, can do modelling but not characters and texture them and all. I can also use photoshop to some degree. So I hope I can do quite a bit of the work myself. But any help definetly would be appreciated in any of the following forms:
- Texturing
- 3D Modelling
- Scripting
- Writing
- Research
- Art
- Design
Thank you for reading