The trials and tribulation of a student trying to become a fully fledged games designer, expressing views, news and any progress on his path to his dream career

Hey there.

I'm trying to make it so instead of the forge of the overlord being the master quest to end the game, I want to make it actually give you the forge as an item to be kick ass with.

I was thinking that it would give you to +10 essence, +10 intelligence and +20 hit point.

I've made the item:



Code: xml
  1. <GameItemType InternalName="ForgeOfTheOverlord">
  3. <DisplayName>Forge Of The Overlord</DisplayName>
  4. <Description>The most powerful magical artifact, the Forge Of The Overlord</Description>
  5. <LongDescription>The Forge of the Overlord was summoned into this plane of existence by three great Magi of the First Age: Ereog, Argynn, and Breon. It is said that its possessor gained absolute power over the physical realm.</LongDescription>
  6. <IconFile>Gfx\Items\anvil_item.png</IconFile>
  7. <TintR>132</TintR>
  8. <TintG>141</TintG>
  9. <TintB>5</TintB>
  11. <Prereq>
  12. <Type>Tech</Type>
  13. <Attribute>Impossible</Attribute>
  14. <Value>0</Value><span> </span></Prereq>
  15. <Type>Accessory</Type>
  16. <CanBeEquipped>1</CanBeEquipped>
  17. <ShopValue>10000</ShopValue>
  19. <!--Equipment Graphics-->
  20. <IconFile>anvil_item.png<</IconFile>
  21. <TintR>150</TintR>
  22. <TintG>150</TintG>
  23. <TintB>10</TintB>
  25. <GameModifier>
  26. <ModType>Unit</ModType>
  27. <Attribute>AdjustUnitStat</Attribute>
  28. <StrVal>UnitStat_Essence</StrVal>
  29. <Value>10.0</Value>
  30. </GameModifier>
  32. <GameModifier>
  33. <ModType>Unit</ModType>
  34. <Attribute>AdjustUnitStat</Attribute>
  35. <StrVal>UnitStat_Intelligence</StrVal>
  36. <Value>10.0</Value>
  37. </GameModifier>
  39. <GameModifier>
  40. <ModType>Unit</ModType>
  41. <Attribute>AdjustUnitStat</Attribute>
  42. <StrVal>UnitStat_HitPoints</StrVal>
  43. <Value>10.0</Value>
  44. </GameModifier>
  46. </GameItemType>


it may or may not work, I haven't tested it yet, what I'm trying to do now is change the quest from finishing the game, to just giving you the item. However I don't know what part of the quest XML activates that, and I still not quite got a grasp on how to define all the bits in a quest, I changed this:

Code: xml
  1. <QuestObjectiveDef InternalName="Quest_Part10_ReturnTWithThePieces">
  2. <ObjectiveID>9</ObjectiveID>
  3. <QuestEnd>1</QuestEnd>
  4. <Description>The hermit falls to the ground. He looks at you and seems to fade into nothingness. With the final piece of the Forge in your possession, all that remains is for you to reunite them within the Fortress of Verhaellem.</Description>
  5. <SuccessMessage>Carefully you summon all of your knowledge, all your experience and all your power to reassemble The Forge of the Overlord.
  6. With the last piece put in place, the Forge begins to glow. Instantly, you recognize its power. It allows the enchantments of the world to take physical shape!
  7. In your mind you envision armies of invincible warriors under your control. The forge glows for a moment and you are startled to hear sounds from outside the Crystal Fortress. Quickly, you race outside and are greeted with the sight of a vast army of enchanted golems, ready to take over the world!</SuccessMessage>
  9. <QuestConditionDef InternalName="Success_BringForgeHome">
  10. <Description>Bring the pieces of the Forge back to Fortress of Verhaellem</Description>
  11. <Class>Success</Class>
  12. <Type>ReturnItemToQuestLocation</Type>
  13. <TextData>PieceOfForge_05</TextData>
  14. <NumericData>1</NumericData>
  15. <Flag>SetQuestVictory</Flag>
  16. </QuestConditionDef>
  18. </QuestObjectiveDef>

into this:

Code: xml
  1. <QuestObjectiveDef InternalName="Quest_Part10_ReturnTWithThePieces">
  2. <ObjectiveID>9</ObjectiveID>
  3. <QuestEnd>1</QuestEnd>
  4. <Description>The hermit falls to the ground. He looks at you and seems to fade into nothingness. With the final piece of the Forge in your possession, all that remains is for you to reunite them within the Fortress of Verhaellem.</Description>
  5. <SuccessMessage>Carefully you summon all of your knowledge, all your experience and all your power to reassemble The Forge of the Overlord.
  6. With the last piece put in place, the Forge begins to glow. Instantly, you recognize its power. It allows the enchantments of the world to take physical shape!
  7. In your mind you envision armies of invincible warriors under your control. The forge glows for a moment and you are startled to hear sounds from outside the Crystal Fortress. Quickly, you race outside and are greeted with the sight of a vast army of enchanted golems, ready to take over the world!</SuccessMessage>
  9. <QuestConditionDef InternalName="Success_BringForgeHome">
  10. <Description>Bring the pieces of the Forge back to Fortress of Verhaellem</Description>
  11. <Class>Success</Class>
  12. <Type>ReturnItemToQuestLocation</Type>
  13. <TextData>PieceOfForge_05</TextData>
  14. </QuestConditionDef>
  16. <GameModifier InternalName="Reward1">
  17. <ModType>GiveItem</ModType>
  18. <Attribute>ForgeOfTheOverlord</Attribute>
  19. </GameModifier>
  21. </QuestObjectiveDef>

and it didn't work, it just ended the game.

on another note, whats the best way of testing this? I made a test map and played on it with cheats on.


on Aug 27, 2010

I managed to test it by using a goodie hut and the Forge works, lookie: 


Forge Of The Overlord In-Game